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Saturday 29 January 2011

New Toy Corner

In the top bedroom we have created a new Toy Corner with some additions to our collection including wooden Steiner style Toddler toys and some charming hand knitted glove puppets from Kenya. The firm favourite though is still the wooden train track with Thomas and his friends chugging along!

Royal Cottage Toy Corner
Royal Cottage Toy Corner
Toy corner, royal cottage, MundesleyKenyan knitted puppets

Tourist Board Four Star Rating

Enjoy England Four Star Grading
We had some fantastic news last week, the cottage has just been graded as 4 star by the English Tourist Board (Visit England). We are really pleased with the grading and have worked hard to improve comfort and quality each year. This is the first time we have been assesed by Enjoy England and we were both really anxious about the visit. Paul spent the morning with the assessor who was very helpful and gave us lots of useful advice.